Why I Love Clothes

Like many other women in the world, I really love clothes.

I don't follow fashion trends very much. I typically just buy clothes that fit me well and that I like. I mostly wear simple clothes and basic colors.

I have been thinking why I like clothes so much. I've been on a minimalism kick but can't seem to stop buying clothes that I like. I have no problem getting rid of clothes I don't wear, but I do love buying clothes. I'm always on the hunt for a good deal.

I've had a surgery and 2 procedures done in one week. My body feels weak and sore. I bought a new dress and have been waiting for a day to wear it. I went back to school today and put on my new dress and paired it with my favorite tights and boots. Even though my body felt like I got ran over, I felt beautiful. Even though my body feels sick, I'm able to radiate my personality and happiness through my clothing.

I enjoy my clothing because it represents me. When I feel the sickest, I still put effort into what I wear. It makes me feel better when I look like a human versus a sick potato.

Of course, the downside to this is that I get the common comment, "but you don't look sick." I always try to bring awareness to CF. It is much easier now to "prove" that I'm sick to people by pulling down my shirt to show my port or lifting up my shirt to show my gtube. But it is also nice to be invisible to my disease.

Even though I love my clothes, I also love my comfy sweats. Nothing feels better than taking off my skinny jeans and slipping into my soft sweatpants while I bundle up in my blankets.


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